What We Do


We support the Open Heart Disability Care Trust by raising funds from private donors to support the running of a community centre in Zimbabwe that caters to the needs of 100's of disabled, vulnerable and orphaned children in the region.

The Trust was established by Mr and Mrs Savah, local school teachers and special needs experts with a passion for helping the most marginalised and at-risk members of their community.

Whether this is by providing much need food supplementation, special needs education, like skills education or community engagement - the Savah's and their team of volunteers have created a something that we take for granted, but does not exist in their world; namely, a safety net.

Our fundraising is the financial part of this safety net; providing cash from overseas to provide the resources, food, equipment, seeds, livestock, transport, fuel, blankets, soap amongst many other things that combined with the love and commitment of the local team creates a place of hope and possibility for children who are otherwise on the margins of existence. 

To do this effectively we have established through Rotary International Worldwide Services a project for the collection and delivery of our funds that allows for both transparency and charitable donation status for all locally raised money.  

Funds are deposited in Rotary and then transferred to the St Alberts Mission Hospital, which is located in the same region.  The Hospital procurement body then oversees the distribution of funds to the Trust based on previously agreed budgets, backed up by monthly reports and site visits.

The only overhead between funds raised and funds delivered to the trust is bank charges and a 2.5% handling charge to Rotary.

Who says disability means inability

One Night For One Year
has provided over 500 disadvantaged kids in Zimbabwe with hope and knowledge in 2016

What We've Achieved in the last 12 months

We have increased the number of children serviced by the centre from 200 to 500

We have served over 20,000 meals that provide supplementary feeding to children - many of whom are on ARV (anti-AIDS) medication that cannot be taken on an empty stomach

We have delivered over 1000 hampers to households with children with severe disabilities who cannot travel

We educated and trained disabled children, their carers and the community in the rights of the disabled. 

Also worth noting:

  • 2 ha of corn was planted providing foundations for food security for the centre in 2017/18
  • Equipment was acquired allowing for the centre to reach a greater number of children - many who could not come to the centre themselves
  • An administrator has been hired to oversee the centre and deliver services where they are needed
  • A comprehensive livestock programme has been started that will provide food and cash for the centre